Reserved Area

Approved by the Lombardy Region the MDF project

Logo MDF.jpg MiniaturaUnder the contract ATP (Priority Thematic Areas) 2009, the Lombardy Region has decided to support with nearly a half million euros the program MDF (Diabrotica and Fusarium-resistant maize in the Po valley) which awarded the project with the best score.
The program was presented by a consortium of companies, agencies and universities (Parco Tecnologico Padano, Biotrack Ltd, Agricola 2000 SCPA,
CSA Centro Servizi Aziendali-Confcooperative Bergamo ed Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) including IVS Ltd (ISTA Veneto Sementi) which has a leading role regarding the idea and the implementation of some of the experimental stages.

Continuing the work of selecting lines with low mycotoxins in
already started in the MAIZ project the MDF program aims to introduce resistance to Fusarium verticillioides and Diabrotica virgifera virgifera in maize inbred lines and hybrids through traditional breeding plan assisted by molecular markers.

Link to the
Lombardy Region Official Bulletin.
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